class bankbarcode.bankbarcode.BankBarcode

Base class for barcodes


list of weak references to the object (if defined)

_check_length(name, value, expected_length, description)

Check length of a value.

  • name – name of the value
  • value – the value itself
  • expected_length – the expected length of the value
  • description – definition of the expected value

True if value have the expected length, otherwise False


Code generation. To implement in child classes

save(path, writer_options=None)

Save barcode in SVG format.


a string with the name of the file generated


Generate a SVG with the barcode.

Parameters:writer_options – Common options from pyBarcode http://pythonhosted.org/pyBarcode/writers/index.html?#common-options
Returns:a string with the barcode in SVG format
class bankbarcode.cuaderno57.Recibo

Base class for receipts (recibos) of Cobros por ventanilla y autoservicio, serie normas y procedimientos bancarios, No57, Enero 2001


Check the amount (Importe)

Parameters:amount – the amount (Importe)
Returns:True if it have the expected length, otherwise False
_check_due_date(due_date, suffix)

Check due date (Fecha limite) and suffix

Parameters:due_date – Due Date (Fecha limite)
Returns:True if due date is a Datetime or string with format ‘%Y-%m-%d’ and suffix bigger than 499, otherwise False

Check entity code (Número de la sociedad emisora)

Parameters:value – the entity code (Número de la sociedad emisora)
Returns:True if it have the expected length, otherwise False

Check the notice identification code (Identificación)

Parameters:value – the notice identification code (Identificación)
Returns:True if it have the expected length, otherwise False

Check the reference code (Número de referencia)

Parameters:value – the reference code (Número de referencia)
Returns:True if it have the expected length, otherwise False

Check the suffix code (Sufijo)

Parameters:value – the suffix of the entity (Sufijo)
Returns:True if it have the expected length, otherwise False
class bankbarcode.cuaderno57.Recibo507(entity=None, suffix=None, ref=None, notice=None, amount=None, due_date=None)

Receipt (Recibo) 507 for Recibos y otros (Cobros por Ventanilla y Autoservicio, V2001)

__init__(entity=None, suffix=None, ref=None, notice=None, amount=None, due_date=None)

Create and object of Recibo507 with checked values.

  • entity – the entity code (Número de la sociedad emisora)
  • suffix – the suffix of the entity (Sufijo)
  • ref – the reference code (Número de referencia)
  • notice – the notice identification code (Identificación)
  • amount – the amount (Importe)
  • due_date – Due date (Fecha limite)

an object of Recibo507


The amount (Importe)

Returns:the amount (Importe) as an string with 10 characters

Remove the decimal point of the amount (Importe)

Returns:the amount (Importe) as an unicode string without decimal point

Generate the checksum (Dígitos de Control) to be added to reference code (Número de referencia)

Returns:the checksum (Dígitos de Control) as an unicode string with 2 characters

Generate the code for the barcode

Returns:an unicode string with the code for the barcode

Due date (Fecha limite)

Returns:Datetime with Due date

The entity code (Número de la sociedad emisora)

Returns:the entity code (Número de la sociedad emisora) as an string with 8 characters

The notice identification code (Identificación)

Returns:the notice identification code (Identificación) as an string with 6 characters

The reference code (Número de referencia)

Returns:the reference code (Número de referencia) as an string with 11 characters

The suffix (Sufijo)

Returns:the suffix (Sufijo) as an string with 3 characters